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Creative Stars Day Nursery LTD
Macklin House, Shakleton Close
Forest Hill
SE23 3YP 07507-658-887
Managing Director: Mrs D. Day 0208-699-1534
Baby Stars
3 months - 2 years

Between the ages of 3 months and 2 years, the children within the setting join the Baby Stars group. This groups of children use the Baby Stars room within the setting. Although they have their own room, they will eat lunch with all children, and have access to the main room for creative play.
The children will have access to a range of different activities, ensuring children are meeting their own personal targets through a range of activities. At this stage, most learning is based on the unique child where the key person will tailor learning, development and experiences based on the children in the setting.
They will access a range of different activities, self selecting equipment and tools throughout the day.

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